Tripunithura, Kerala

About Yoga
About Yoga
Yoga as it is generally practiced around the world is called Hatha Yoga and was formalized by the sage Patajali in his work the Yoga Sutras. Patanjali is therefore known as the Father of Yoga. Yoga has been practiced in India since the days of the Indus civilization. It is about 5000 years old. Yoga is a philosophy in itself, and can do amazing things to the practitioner’s wellbeing. Yoga incorporates the mental and physical form.
Today’s routines are built up with pressures and conflicts. There is discord in the body (Physical), mind (Mental), and Spirit (Spiritual) -the basic 3 aspects of human body. All sickness is the effect of such degeneration of these three. Hatha Yoga comprises of a chain of postures or “asana”, which provide suppleness to the body and tones its muscles. The blend of different asanas can provide a total exercise and provide both physical and mental recreation. The meditation and mental discipline as well as the breathing exercises of Yoga are a vital part of the Yoga training. The Ashtanga Yoga devised by Guru Patanjali is a whole plan for the holistic development of an individual.

Take Charge of Your Life
Yoga, a systematic approach of learning ensures perfect health for body and mind. The yoga classes have benefited a large number of people with successful respite from various ailments

One accomplishes selfless form with years of practice. Achieved by 8 fold yogic practice.
We develop health & fitness programs that gives opportunities to become more efficient and focused on your progress. We also open the space for art, performances and various workshops.
Eightfold Yogic Practice
Yoga as it is generally practiced around the world is called Hatha Yoga and was formalized by the sage Patajali in his work the Yoga Sutras. Patanjali is therefore known as the Father of Yoga.

A yama literally a “restraint”, is a rule or code of conduct for living virtuously. The yamas comprise the “shall-nots” in our dealings with the external world. Ten Yamas are codified as “the restraints” in numerous scriptures including the Shandilya and Varaha Upanishads, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Gorakshanatha, and the Tirumantiram of Tirumular
A yama literally a “restraint”, is a rule or code of conduct for living virtuously. The yamas comprise the “shall-nots” in our dealings with the external world. Ten Yamas are codified as “the restraints” in numerous scriptures including the Shandilya and Varaha Upanishads, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Gorakshanatha, and the Tirumantiram of Tirumular

Niyama is a set of behaviors codified as “the observances” in numerous scriptures including the Shandilya and Varuha Upanishads, Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Gorakshanatha, the Tirumantiram of Tirumular and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. They comprise the “shall-do” in our dealings with the inner world, and Swami Vivekananda describes them as the second step of Raja yoga.
Niyama is a set of behaviors codified as “the observances” in numerous scriptures including the Shandilya and Varuha Upanishads, Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Gorakshanatha, the Tirumantiram of Tirumular and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. They comprise the “shall-do” in our dealings with the inner world, and Swami Vivekananda describes them as the second step of Raja yoga.

Pratyahara is the fifth element among the Eight stages of Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga. At this stage, the consciousness of the individual is internalized in order that the sensations from the senses of taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell don’t reach their respective centres in the brain. With this, the Sadhaka, or disciple, is free to meditate without distractions.
Pratyahara is the fifth element among the Eight stages of Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga. At this stage, the consciousness of the individual is internalized in order that the sensations from the senses of taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell don’t reach their respective centres in the brain. With this, the Sadhaka, or disciple, is free to meditate without distractions.

Dharana is a Sanskrit term from the verbal root dhri to hold, carry, maintain, resolve; and it is the sixth stage, step or limb of eight elucidated by Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga or Raja Yoga. Dharana may be translated as “holding”, “holding steady”, “concentration” or “single focus”. The prior limb Pratyahara involves withdrawing the senses from external phenomena.
Dharana is a Sanskrit term from the verbal root dhri to hold, carry, maintain, resolve; and it is the sixth stage, step or limb of eight elucidated by Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga or Raja Yoga. Dharana may be translated as “holding”, “holding steady”, “concentration” or “single focus”. The prior limb Pratyahara involves withdrawing the senses from external phenomena.

Asana is Sanskrit for “posture”. The plural is used to describe yoga postures; “posture” in this context refers not only to the physical position of the body, but to the position of the spirit in relation to divinity. This idea is often referred to as the “one seat”, by yogis and Buddhists alike. Asanas of yoga are also called Yogasana or Yogaasana.
Asana is Sanskrit for “posture”. The plural is used to describe yoga postures; “posture” in this context refers not only to the physical position of the body, but to the position of the spirit in relation to divinity. This idea is often referred to as the “one seat”, by yogis and Buddhists alike. Asanas of yoga are also called Yogasana or Yogaasana.

Pranayama is a Sanskrit word often translated as control of the life force (prana). When used as a technical term in yoga, it is often translated more specifically as “breath control. Literal translations include A. A. Macdonell’s “suspension of breath” and I. K. Taimni’s “regulation of breath”.
Pranayama is a Sanskrit word often translated as control of the life force (prana). When used as a technical term in yoga, it is often translated more specifically as “breath control. Literal translations include A. A. Macdonell’s “suspension of breath” and I. K. Taimni’s “regulation of breath”.

Dhyāna in Sanskrit or Jhāna in Pāli refers to a type or aspect of meditation. It is a key concept in Hinduism and Buddhism. Equivalent terms are “Chán” in modern Chinese, “Zen” in Japanese, “Seon” in Korea, and Samten in Tibetan. Dhyāna’s beginnings are traced to Hinduism, where it is considered to be an instrument to gain self knowledge, separating maya from reality to help attain the ultimate goal of Moksha.
Dhyāna in Sanskrit or Jhāna in Pāli refers to a type or aspect of meditation. It is a key concept in Hinduism and Buddhism. Equivalent terms are “Chán” in modern Chinese, “Zen” in Japanese, “Seon” in Korea, and Samten in Tibetan. Dhyāna’s beginnings are traced to Hinduism, where it is considered to be an instrument to gain self knowledge, separating maya from reality to help attain the ultimate goal of Moksha.

Samadhi is a Hindu and Buddhist term that describes a non-dualistic state of consciousness in which the consciousness of the experiencing subject becomes one with the experienced object, and in which the mind becomes still (one-pointed or concentrated) though the person remains conscious. Sahaj samadhi is the effortless and continual state of perfection of a satguru. It is the eighth and final limb of the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali,
Samadhi is a Hindu and Buddhist term that describes a non-dualistic state of consciousness in which the consciousness of the experiencing subject becomes one with the experienced object, and in which the mind becomes still (one-pointed or concentrated) though the person remains conscious. Sahaj samadhi is the effortless and continual state of perfection of a satguru. It is the eighth and final limb of the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali,
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Maharaj Swami
Adyaksha Ramakrishna Math
I have seen many invalid andsick patients deriving immense benefits from Sri.Yogacharya S. Rajendran Sir’s Yoga classes conducted at the Ramakrishna math on every Sundays. His Yoga techniques are very effective.
Maharaj Swami
Adyaksha Ramakrishna Math
I have seen many invalid andsick patients deriving immense benefits from Sri.Yogacharya S. Rajendran Sir’s Yoga classes conducted at the Ramakrishna math on every Sundays. His Yoga techniques are very effective.
Jose Manual
“This is the first time we practiced yoga, and for us it was a fantastic experience. Rajendran is a excellent teacher and a good person, with him yoga is very easy. I strongly recommend this class for those ….

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